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Lead free solder bar soldering temperature

2016/3/6      view:
Environmental protection lead-free tin tin solder dip temperature set the number of degrees appropriate? This problem is believed to have used lead-free solder bar or professional and technical personnel of the manufacturers must be very clear.
Lead-free solder a welding temperature generally set for 280 plus or minus 10 degrees, because manual welding without preheating, so the temperature set is generally higher, commonly used in the environmental tin main ingredients by 99.3% tin, 0.7% copper composition, solid, silver white, odorless, the melting point of 227 DEG C temperature of 270 DEG to 300 DEG C, and the brighter the solder joint for higher requirements for welding, widely used in wave soldering furnace, furnace hand Baptist. Environmental protection solder bar temperature (peak temperature) 270~300 C, there are lead solder bar specific to look at the lead content, as well as parts of the welding material.